Plenary lectures on scientific results
Výsledky v seizmológii v r. 2009-2011 v SR
Výsledky v gravimetrii a geodynamike v r. 2009-2011 v SR
Výsledky v geodetických metódach výskume Zeme v r. 2009-2011 v SR
Výsledky v geomagnetizme v r. 2009-2011 v SR
Výsledky v aplikovanej a environmentálnej geofyzike v r. 2009-2011 v SR
Výsledky v seizmológii v r. 2009-2011 v SR
Výsledky v gravimetrii a geodynamike v r. 2009-2011 v SR
Výsledky v geodetických metódach výskume Zeme v r. 2009-2011 v SR
Výsledky v geomagnetizme v r. 2009-2011 v SR
Výsledky v aplikovanej a environmentálnej geofyzike v r. 2009-2011 v SR
Plenary lectures
Energy, magnitude and intensity of tectonic earthquakes
Research of Earth rotation – past and present
Energy, magnitude and intensity of tectonic earthquakes
Research of Earth rotation – past and present
Bystricky, Kristekova, Šipka, Vrhovać (poster)
Building a modern system for real-time seismic monitoring in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Slovak official development assistance programme
Cipciar, Kristeková, Fojtíková, Franek, Bystrický, Moczo, Kristek
Earthquakes in Slovakia
Fojtíková, Kristeková, Vavryčuk
Some methodological aspects of computations of focal mechanisms for weak local earthquakes using waveform inversion method - application to data from Little Carpathians
Franek, Kysel, Kristek, Moczo
Estimation of the b-value in the magnitude-frequency relationship for the territory of Slovakia
Galis, Moczo, Kristek, Pelties
Numerical modeling of dynamic rupture propagation
Kristek, Moczo, Gális
The increasing of computational efficiency of the finite-difference schemes for seismic wave propagation
Kristeková, Gális, Moczo, Kristek
Methods of a posteriori filtration versus adaptive smoothing of the slip-rate time histories
Moczo, Kristek, Gális, Chaljub, Etienne
Local errors of numerical schemes for seismic wave propagation
Valentova, Gallovic, Ruzek, de la Puente
Adjoint tomography applied to Love wave traveltimes in Czech Republic
Building a modern system for real-time seismic monitoring in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Slovak official development assistance programme
Cipciar, Kristeková, Fojtíková, Franek, Bystrický, Moczo, Kristek
Earthquakes in Slovakia
Fojtíková, Kristeková, Vavryčuk
Some methodological aspects of computations of focal mechanisms for weak local earthquakes using waveform inversion method - application to data from Little Carpathians
Franek, Kysel, Kristek, Moczo
Estimation of the b-value in the magnitude-frequency relationship for the territory of Slovakia
Galis, Moczo, Kristek, Pelties
Numerical modeling of dynamic rupture propagation
Kristek, Moczo, Gális
The increasing of computational efficiency of the finite-difference schemes for seismic wave propagation
Kristeková, Gális, Moczo, Kristek
Methods of a posteriori filtration versus adaptive smoothing of the slip-rate time histories
Moczo, Kristek, Gális, Chaljub, Etienne
Local errors of numerical schemes for seismic wave propagation
Valentova, Gallovic, Ruzek, de la Puente
Adjoint tomography applied to Love wave traveltimes in Czech Republic
Geomagnetism and research of ionosphere and magnetosphere
Brestenský, Šoltis
Spin-up at Anisotropic Viscosity
Dolinský, Valach, Váczyová (poster)
Accuracy of geomagnetic field distribution maps – the geomagnetic ground survey of Slovakia for the 2007.5 epoch as an example
Kysel, Kostecký, Ševčík, Ondrášková
Time - frequency analysis of Schumann resonance signals
Marsenić, Ševčík
Magnetic instability in a rotating layer at highly eccentric positions of the critical level
Revallo, Valach, Bochníček, Hejda (poster)
Solar energetic particle flux as a measure of CME geoeffectiveness
Smetanová, Holý, Jurčák, Omelka, Zelinka
Radon monitoring in Domica cave
Šimkanin, Hejda
Hydromagnetic dynamos in rotating spherical fluid shells in dependence on the Prandtl number and stratification
Šoltis, Brestenský
Magnetoconvection in the fluid layer with anisotropic diffusivities rotating around horizontal axis
Túnyi, Kadzialko-Hofmokl, Orlický, Soták, El Hemaly
Paleomagnetism of Egyptian pyramids
Túnyi, Majcin, Guba
A simple model for the magnetic polarity change
Príloha k prednáške - program s 3D vizualizáciou
Valach, Revallo, Hejda, Bochníček (poster)
Solar energetic particle forecasts based on linear filter and layer recurrent neural network
Spin-up at Anisotropic Viscosity
Dolinský, Valach, Váczyová (poster)
Accuracy of geomagnetic field distribution maps – the geomagnetic ground survey of Slovakia for the 2007.5 epoch as an example
Kysel, Kostecký, Ševčík, Ondrášková
Time - frequency analysis of Schumann resonance signals
Marsenić, Ševčík
Magnetic instability in a rotating layer at highly eccentric positions of the critical level
Revallo, Valach, Bochníček, Hejda (poster)
Solar energetic particle flux as a measure of CME geoeffectiveness
Smetanová, Holý, Jurčák, Omelka, Zelinka
Radon monitoring in Domica cave
Šimkanin, Hejda
Hydromagnetic dynamos in rotating spherical fluid shells in dependence on the Prandtl number and stratification
Šoltis, Brestenský
Magnetoconvection in the fluid layer with anisotropic diffusivities rotating around horizontal axis
Túnyi, Kadzialko-Hofmokl, Orlický, Soták, El Hemaly
Paleomagnetism of Egyptian pyramids
Túnyi, Majcin, Guba
A simple model for the magnetic polarity change
Príloha k prednáške - program s 3D vizualizáciou
Valach, Revallo, Hejda, Bochníček (poster)
Solar energetic particle forecasts based on linear filter and layer recurrent neural network
Gravimetry, geodynamics and geodetic methods of Earth research
Bielik, Vozár, Alasonati Tašárová, Guterch, Janik, Grad, Zeyen, Goetze, Minár, Kováč, Csicsay, Grinč
New results of the deep seated geophysical interpretation of the Carpathian-Pannonian-Dinaridic lithosphere
Brimich, Charco, Kohút, Fernández
3D analytical and numerical modeling of the regional topography influence on the surface displacement, strain and gravity change due to underground heat source
Csicsay, Bielik, Grabowská, Vozár
Density modeling along the CELEBRATION 2000 profiles CEL01, CEL04 and CEL05
Ďuríčková, Janák
Optimal calculation of mean values of topographical effects: Case study for Central Europe
Grinč, Bielik, Zeyen (poster)
Integrated modelling of the structure and rheology of the lithosphere in the Carpathian-Pannonian region
Hefty, Gerhátová
Analysis tool for multi-GNSS precise point positioning
Hefty, Gerhátová, Papčo
Monitoring of high-frequency positional variations by using GPS and its potential applications in geophysics
Hvoždara, Kohút (poster)
Gravity field due to a homogeneous oblate spheroid: Simple solution form and numerical calculations
Parameters of troposphere and ionosphere obtained from processing GNSS observations
Janák, Pitoňák
Preparation of GOCE data for regional gravity field modelling
Mikolaj, Mojzeš
Influence of soil moisture variation on gravity measurements
Mikuš, Plašienka, Remiašová
Geophysical research of the Pieniny section of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in the eastern Slovakia
National centre for diagnostic of an Earth surface deformation on the area of Slovakia
Mojzeš, Bucha
Determination of accuracy of normal gravity field parameters
Papčo, Majkráková, Bakoň, Zahorec
Analysis of physical heights determination in local geodetic network
Prutkin, Vajda, Tenzer, Bielik
3D inversion of gravity data by separation of sources and the method of local corrections: Kolarovo gravity high case study
Tenzer, Vajda, Novák, Gladkikh, Hamayun (poster)
Global gravity data sets for modelling the crust-mantle interface and mantle lithosphere
Tenzer, Vajda, Novák, Gladkikh, Hamayun (poster)
Spectral representation of the crust structure and its gravity field
Zahorec, Papčo, Mikolaj, Kučerová, Pašteka
The analysis of vertical gravity gradient measurements in Slovakia
New results of the deep seated geophysical interpretation of the Carpathian-Pannonian-Dinaridic lithosphere
Brimich, Charco, Kohút, Fernández
3D analytical and numerical modeling of the regional topography influence on the surface displacement, strain and gravity change due to underground heat source
Csicsay, Bielik, Grabowská, Vozár
Density modeling along the CELEBRATION 2000 profiles CEL01, CEL04 and CEL05
Ďuríčková, Janák
Optimal calculation of mean values of topographical effects: Case study for Central Europe
Grinč, Bielik, Zeyen (poster)
Integrated modelling of the structure and rheology of the lithosphere in the Carpathian-Pannonian region
Hefty, Gerhátová
Analysis tool for multi-GNSS precise point positioning
Hefty, Gerhátová, Papčo
Monitoring of high-frequency positional variations by using GPS and its potential applications in geophysics
Hvoždara, Kohút (poster)
Gravity field due to a homogeneous oblate spheroid: Simple solution form and numerical calculations
Parameters of troposphere and ionosphere obtained from processing GNSS observations
Janák, Pitoňák
Preparation of GOCE data for regional gravity field modelling
Mikolaj, Mojzeš
Influence of soil moisture variation on gravity measurements
Mikuš, Plašienka, Remiašová
Geophysical research of the Pieniny section of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in the eastern Slovakia
National centre for diagnostic of an Earth surface deformation on the area of Slovakia
Mojzeš, Bucha
Determination of accuracy of normal gravity field parameters
Papčo, Majkráková, Bakoň, Zahorec
Analysis of physical heights determination in local geodetic network
Prutkin, Vajda, Tenzer, Bielik
3D inversion of gravity data by separation of sources and the method of local corrections: Kolarovo gravity high case study
Tenzer, Vajda, Novák, Gladkikh, Hamayun (poster)
Global gravity data sets for modelling the crust-mantle interface and mantle lithosphere
Tenzer, Vajda, Novák, Gladkikh, Hamayun (poster)
Spectral representation of the crust structure and its gravity field
Zahorec, Papčo, Mikolaj, Kučerová, Pašteka
The analysis of vertical gravity gradient measurements in Slovakia
Applied and environmental geophysics
Ďurža, Peťková, Veselská (poster)
Magnetic susceptibility and soil contamination by potential toxic elements in the Zemianske Kostoľany area (Slovakia)
Gajdoš, Rozimant, Mojzeš, Putiška, Dostál
Geophysical results of project „Neotectonic activity of West Carpathiens area“ solving
Kondela, Pandula, Sasvári, Friedmannová, Pachocká (poster)
Study of the tectonic structures inter-block pillars by seismic tomography in the Jelšava deposit
Kušnirák, Dostál, Pašteka, Putiška (poster)
Parallel application of ERT and microgravity measurements
Majcin, Bilčík, Hvoždara
Heat flow refraction on subsurface contrast structures - the influence both on measurements and on interpretation approaches
Mojzeš, Kellerová (poster)
Profile gamma-ray spectrometry measurements in the Malé Karpaty Mts.
Pánisová, Pašteka
New approach to calculation of the building effect correction in microgravity technique
Pašiaková, Bielik, Šujan, Šipka (poster)
Vertical electrical sounding in the marginal part of the central Slovakian neovolcanites
Pašiaková, Pašteka, Terray, Hajach, Pánisová, Zahorec (poster)
Use of the microgravimetry method for medieval crypt detection
Pašteka, Karcol, Mikuška, Marušiak, Kadecký
Magnetic properties of unfired and fired 100 mm projectiles and their impact on interpretation in magnetic UXO-detection
Putiška, Dostál, Mojzeš, Kušnirák, Pašiaková (poster)
The displays of unsaturated zone moisture changes in the results of surface geo-electrical measurements
Zubalová (poster)
Conversion of hydrocarbon reservoirs to underground gas storage (UGS) – case study of the northern part of Vienna Basin
Magnetic susceptibility and soil contamination by potential toxic elements in the Zemianske Kostoľany area (Slovakia)
Gajdoš, Rozimant, Mojzeš, Putiška, Dostál
Geophysical results of project „Neotectonic activity of West Carpathiens area“ solving
Kondela, Pandula, Sasvári, Friedmannová, Pachocká (poster)
Study of the tectonic structures inter-block pillars by seismic tomography in the Jelšava deposit
Kušnirák, Dostál, Pašteka, Putiška (poster)
Parallel application of ERT and microgravity measurements
Majcin, Bilčík, Hvoždara
Heat flow refraction on subsurface contrast structures - the influence both on measurements and on interpretation approaches
Mojzeš, Kellerová (poster)
Profile gamma-ray spectrometry measurements in the Malé Karpaty Mts.
Pánisová, Pašteka
New approach to calculation of the building effect correction in microgravity technique
Pašiaková, Bielik, Šujan, Šipka (poster)
Vertical electrical sounding in the marginal part of the central Slovakian neovolcanites
Pašiaková, Pašteka, Terray, Hajach, Pánisová, Zahorec (poster)
Use of the microgravimetry method for medieval crypt detection
Pašteka, Karcol, Mikuška, Marušiak, Kadecký
Magnetic properties of unfired and fired 100 mm projectiles and their impact on interpretation in magnetic UXO-detection
Putiška, Dostál, Mojzeš, Kušnirák, Pašiaková (poster)
The displays of unsaturated zone moisture changes in the results of surface geo-electrical measurements
Zubalová (poster)
Conversion of hydrocarbon reservoirs to underground gas storage (UGS) – case study of the northern part of Vienna Basin