Program IX. slovenskej geofyzikánej konferencie
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streda 22.6.2011
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08:30 - 09:30
registrácia účastníkov (vestibul pavilónu F1)
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09:30 - 09:45
otvorenie konferencie (poslucháreň F1)
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príhovor vedúceho KAFZM prof. RNDr. Petra Mocza, DrSc.
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príhovor dekana FMFI prof. RNDr. Jozefa Masarika, DrSc.
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09:45 - 11:00
plenárne prednášky o vedeckých výsledkoch (F1) -
Konvenor: Bielik
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09:45 - 10:00
Moczo: Výsledky v seizmológii v r. 2009-2011 v SR
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10:00 - 10:15
Brimich: Výsledky v gravimetrii a geodynamike v r. 2009-2011 v SR
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10:15 - 10:30
Hefty: Výsledky v geodetických metódach výskume Zeme v r. 2009-2011 v SR
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10:30 - 10:45
Ševčík: Výsledky v geomagnetizme v r. 2009-2011 v SR
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10:45 - 11:00
Pašteka: Výsledky v aplikovanej a environmentálnej geofyzike v r. 2009-2011 v SR
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11:00 - 11:30
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11:30 - 12:30
pozvané plenárne prednášky (F1) -
Konvenor: Ševčík
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11:30 - 12:00
Vondrák, AsÚ AV ČR: Research of Earth rotation – past and present
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12:00 - 12:30
Moczo, FMFI UK: Energy, magnitude and intensity of tectonic earthquakes
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12:30 - 14:00
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14:00 - 15:15
prednášky v sekciách
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F1: geodynamika, gravimetria, geodézia
Konvenor: Šefara
F2: geomagnetizmus
Konvenor: Hvoždara
14:00 – 14:15
Bielik, Vozár, Alasonati Tašárová, Guterch, Janik,
Grad, Zeyen, Goetze, Minár, Kováč, Csicsay, Grinč:
New results of the deep seated geophysical
interpretation of the Carpathian-Pannonian-Dinaridic
Šimkanin, Hejda:
Hydromagnetic dynamos in
rotating spherical fluid shells in dependence on the
Prandtl number and stratification
14:15 – 14:30
Csicsay, Bielik, Grabowská, Vozár: Density
modeling along the CELEBRATION 2000 profiles
CEL01, CEL04 and CEL05
Šoltis, Brestenský: Magnetoconvection in the fluid
layer with anisotropic diffusivities rotating around
horizontal axis
14:30 – 14:45
Mikuš, Plašienka, Remiašová: Geophysical
research of the Pieniny section of the Pieniny
Klippen Belt in the eastern Slovakia
Brestenský, Šoltis: Spin-up at Anisotropic Viscosity
14:45 – 15:00
Brimich, Charco, Kohút, Fernández: 3D analytical
and numerical modeling of the regional topography
influence on the surface displacement, strain and
gravity change due to underground heat source
Marsenić, Ševčík: Magnetic instability in a rotating
layer at highly eccentric positions of the critical level
15:00 – 15:15
Prutkin, Vajda, Tenzer, Bielik: 3D inversion of gravity
data by separation of sources and the method of
local corrections: Kolarovo gravity high case study
Túnyi, Majcin, Guba: A simple model for the
magnetic polarity change
15:15 - 15:45
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15:45 - 17:00
prednášky v sekciách
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F1: geodynamika, gravimetria, geodézia
F2: geomagnetizmus
Konvenor: Brestenský
15:45 – 16:00
Mojzeš, Bucha: Determination of accuracy of normal
gravity field parameters
Túnyi, Kadzialko-Hofmokl, Orlický, Soták,
El Hemaly: Paleomagnetism of Egyptian pyramids
16:00 – 16:15
Janák, Pitoňák: Preparation of GOCE data for
regional gravity field modelling
Kysel, Kostecký, Ševčík, Ondrášková: Time –
frequency analysis of Schumann resonance signals
16:15 – 16:30
Zahorec, Papčo, Mikolaj, Kučerová, Pašteka:
analysis of vertical gravity gradient measurements in
Smetanová, Holý, Jurčák, Omelka, Zelinka: Radon
monitoring in Domica cave
16:30 – 16:45
Mikolaj, Mojzeš: Influence of soil moisture variation
on gravity measurements
16:45 – 17:00
Hefty, Gerhátová, Papčo: Monitoring of high-frequency positional variations by using GPS and its
potential applications in geophysics
17:00 – 18:00
posterová sekcia (pri posteroch bude možné diskutovať aj počas spoločenského večera)
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19:00 – 22:00
spoločenský večer, raut v miestnosti medzi posluchárňami F1 a F2
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štvrtok 23.6.2011
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9:00 – 10:15
prednášky v sekciách
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F1: geodynamika, gravimetria, geodézia
F2: seizmológia
Konvenor: Franek
9:00 – 9:15
Ďuríčková, Janák: Optimal calculation of mean
values of topographical effects: Case study for
Central Europe
Moczo, Kristek, Gális, Chaljub, Etienne:
Local errors
of numerical schemes for seismic wave propagation
9:15 – 9:30
Mojzeš: National centre for diagnostic of an Earth
surface deformation on the area of Slovakia
Kristek, Moczo, Gális:
The increasing of
computational efficiency of the finite-difference
schemes for seismic wave propagation
9:30 – 9:45
Hefty, Gerhátová: Analysis tool for multi-GNSS
precise point positioning
Galis, Moczo, Kristek, Pelties: Numerical modeling
of dynamic rupture propagation
9:45 – 10:00
Igondová: Parameters of troposphere and
ionosphere obtained from processing GNSS
Kristeková, Gális, Moczo, Kristek: Methods of a
posteriori filtration versus adaptive smoothing of the
slip-rate time histories
10:00 – 10:15
Papčo, Majkráková, Bakoň, Zahorec: Analysis of
physical heights determination in local geodetic
Valentova, Gallovic, Ruzek, de la Puente: Adjoint
tomography applied to Love wave traveltimes in
Czech Republic
10:15 - 10:45
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10:45 - 11:45
prednášky v sekciách
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F1: aplikovaná a environmentálna geofyzika
F2: seizmológia
10:45 – 11:00
Pánisová, Pašteka: New approach to calculation of
the building effect correction in microgravity
Cipciar, Kristeková, Fojtíková, Franek, Bystrický,
Moczo, Kristek: Earthquakes in Slovakia
11:00 – 11:15
Gajdoš, Rozimant, Mojzeš, Putiška, Dostál:
Geophysical results of project „Neotectonic activity of
West Carpathiens area“ solving
Fojtíková, Kristeková, Vavryčuk: Some
methodological aspects of computations of focal
mechanisms for weak local earthquakes using
waveform inversion method - application to data from
Little Carpathians
11:15 – 11:30
Majcin, Bilčík, Hvoždara: Heat flow refraction on
subsurface contrast structures - the influence both
on measurements and on interpretation approaches
Franek, Kysel, Kristek, Moczo: Estimation of the b-value in the magnitude-frequency relationship for the
territory of Slovakia
11:30 – 11:45
Pašteka, Karcol, Mikuška, Marušiak, Kadecký:
Magnetic properties of unfired and fired 100 mm
projectiles and their impact on interpretation in
magnetic UXO-detection
12:00 - 12:30
záver konferencie (poslucháreň F1)